Sunday, August 28, 2011

Updates, Updates

Geee Gally Geee

It’s been awhile since i updating this, ok, see key updates since April.

>I graduated Art School :)

>Had a show in June :)

>Still work at the same place, still looking for an art job :(

>My father passed away two months from today :(

>I went to Wizard World Chicago Comic Con, networked, sold some prints but mostly portraits :)

>Have gig to tutor a little girl on art :)

>A gig to do a mural (Though the guys are kinda shifty, it may not happen and if so they better pay me on the sketch grrrr) The deal has been going on for over a month :/

>Tattoo and portrait commissions to do, yay :)

>I really really need to work on personal work :/

Ok so thats pretty it for now, so yea... i will try to keep this things updating (mainly for me cos i know no one is really reading it, lol. OK, tootles