Sunday, August 28, 2011

Updates, Updates

Geee Gally Geee

It’s been awhile since i updating this, ok, see key updates since April.

>I graduated Art School :)

>Had a show in June :)

>Still work at the same place, still looking for an art job :(

>My father passed away two months from today :(

>I went to Wizard World Chicago Comic Con, networked, sold some prints but mostly portraits :)

>Have gig to tutor a little girl on art :)

>A gig to do a mural (Though the guys are kinda shifty, it may not happen and if so they better pay me on the sketch grrrr) The deal has been going on for over a month :/

>Tattoo and portrait commissions to do, yay :)

>I really really need to work on personal work :/

Ok so thats pretty it for now, so yea... i will try to keep this things updating (mainly for me cos i know no one is really reading it, lol. OK, tootles


Visual Lullaby said...

YEA!!! So glad to hear you're working on art stuff and hopefully set things up so you can finally leave your current employer!!! Hope all is well, gov'na'! Miss you!

Visual Lullaby said...

Oops, that should be "setting"...